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Sweet Art Candy receives requests for art work donations almost daily.  I wish it were possible to honor all of those since most are very worthwhile causes.  However, due to the high volume of requests received, the following guidelines must be followed to assure fairness. These requirements also help reduce losses since current tax laws are unfavorable to artist donations.


1)      PASSION FOR THE CAUSE – There are several causes that I am dedicated to helping.  Children, girls, women, disadvantaged youth & education.  I will need literature or your website that outlines your mission statement and how SAC’s involvement & donation will be a benefit to your event or organization.

2)      NON-PROFIT STATUS – You must be a non-profit organization and able to provide supporting documentation to that status.  However, if you are NOT a nonprofit organization, you will be allowed to purchase a SAC item.  SAC can potentionally offer a discount towards the purchase price.

3)      SUBMITTING A REQUEST - All donation requests MUST be submitted in writing on organization letterhead accompanied by the event flyer or advertisement. A PDF or JPG of an actual letter, submitted via e-mail (from the organization email account), is acceptable. All requests for donations must be received a minimum of 60 days before event – no exceptions.  Please specify date and time donation will need to be picked up.   Also include:  name of the organization, tax ID #, type of event, date, time, location, non-profit status, projected proceeds raised, past donations, the purpose and beneficiary of fundraiser (i.e. children’s activities, and educational initiatives), contact name and information.  You may email to: [email protected].  Or Postal Mail to: Sweet Art Candy, PO BOX 35495, Kansas City, MO  64134.  Requests are not accepted by phone.  Incomplete requests will not be fulfilled.

4)      DESIGN REQUEST – The specific sculpture donated will be at the discretion of SAC.  If a custom design or theme is desired you will be requested to purchase the art piece.  SAC can potentionally offer a discount towards the purchase price.

5)      GURANTEED MEDIA/ADVERTISING EXPOSURE: I will need documentation & copies of how/where you will be advertising and promoting your event, other sponsors & how/where SAC will be placed in your media & promotions campaigns.

6)      TERMS OF AUCTIONING OR RAFFLING ARTWORK - If it’s being auctioned or raffled, the starting price MUST be at or above the original retail price. As not to devalue this and other pieces of my artwork.  Many groups solicit artwork donations for their events proclaiming great exposure, recognition, and a tax deduction.  But the reality is the publicity gained is rarely worth the amount of the artwork. Please understand under current federal law, artists may only deduct the cost of the materials when donating artwork to a non-profit organization. The artist may NOT deduct the time or the fair market value of the work.  I love to give back to great causes.  But besides a warm fuzzy feeling, unless there is guaranteed publicity or some other perk to me, I am taking a big loss. To offset that, I request complimentary tickets to the event OR services equivalent to the value of the donation = bartering.

7)      Submitting a request does not guarantee a donation.  I will provide you with a reply email acknowledging receipt of your request. If you do not receive that within 1 day of sending your initial request, please resend it.  A determination will be given within 7-10 business days.  All decisions made are final.

8)      Individuals and organizations should submit only one request per calendar year so that other organizations can be considered.

9)      It is the responsibility of the requesting organization to submit supporting documentation as requested & deemed necessary for donation consideration. All requests must be made within the guidelines above. Failure to supply the proper information, documentation, or adequate review time will result in the dismissal of your request.

10)   If you have any questions, please email them to [email protected]



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